Discover Your Zone
As determined by the EPA
In 1993 the EPA developed a map of “radon zones.” Using data on geology, aerial radioactivity, soil parameters, foundation types and indoor radon measurements, collected over the years, the EPA mapped each county’s potential for elevated radon levels. Each county was zoned as: Zone 1, highly likely to have radon, Zone 2, somewhat likely to have radon, or Zone 3, unlikely to have radon. This revealed that Ohio was one of only a few that has no Zone 3, meaning everywhere in Ohio is the potential for elevated radon levels. This correlates with data that show Ohio has the highest incident rate of homes with elevated radon levels. This map of Radon Zones should not be used to determine if individual homes need to be tested. No matter where you live, test your home for radon—it’s easy and inexpensive.