Gov. Mike Dewine signs law:
The Annie Cacciato Act
Radon Environmental Services of Toledo, Inc. is not just a for-profit business. In our 34th year of operation, we, as a family-owned business, continue to “beat the drum” of public awareness about the very real dangers and risk of radon gas-induced lung cancer if you live in a house in NW Ohio! It is the second leading cause of all lung cancers behind smoking.
In July of 2021, Governor Mike DeWine and the Ohio state legislature, recognizing the link between radon and lung cancer, signed the Annie Cacciato Act into law, designating January as Radon Awareness Month in Ohio. You can read Annie’s story
Taking time to contemplate our mortality is never a pleasant occupation, much less the potential diseases that can befall us. However, radon induced lung cancer does not have to be one of them. It is totally preventable with simple testing and inexpensive remediation of your existing home. Think of all the money that is raised to research cures for these selected cancers, and rightfully so, yet radon induced lung cancers rate at the number 3 killer in this list and high up in the list of all cancers.
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